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Установки будущего, 50 лет истории и эксплуатации.


Мы предлагаем лучшее решение!


We offer solutions!

No one knows Menerga systems as well as our technical service. Many of our service technicians started their careers in the production of Menerga and built these units themselves. Today, their mission is even more important: lifelong care that begins at the time of commissioning. You cannot find a more experienced partner for your project!

We offer the following services:

  • Commissioning (NDP - commissioning)

  • Monitoring (Annual monitoring, excluding Vicomo implementation)

  • Periodic Maintenance (Comprehensive T/O)

  • Emergency service (prompt response, departure service service)

  • Overhaul (overhaul, restoration, etc.)

  • Remote maintenance / remote diagnostics (using a rented workstation)

  • Operational repair (carrying out measures for temporary functioning)

  • Energy inspection (thermal imaging survey, measurements, log analysis, determination of efficiency parameters)

  • System optimization (debugging the system with existing local flaws, as well as changing the control algorithm)

Recommended price for Menerga Service (RU)

Все права защищены RU 2022750418 ООО "Менерга"
ОГРН 1237700848725 Дата подачи заявки 26.07.2022

Запасные части и сервис
Стерильные климатические системы классом очистки воздуха F9 и выше.
Системы активного поддержания точных параметров
Климатические установки для частных/общественных бассейнов, аквапарков
Промышленные системы с повышенным сроком эксплуатации 50+
Климатические системы для ЦОД



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